My work

Over the last 7 years I've worked on a number of projects that I'm super proud of. I've helped numerous founders, entrepreneurs, marketers and teams to build out their growth strategies as well as implemented strategies through personal projects including my business, Girls in Marketing.

Girls in Marketing

With a mission to make the marketing world a more inviting space for women, I've spent the last 5 years building a company that provides educational resources and support for those working in the marketing space. I lead our team of 6 based in Liverpool and organise projects across the world.

Virgin Startup

Supporting startup founders is something I love to do, and through my work with Virgin Startup, I've been able to meet a wide range of virgin-backed founders and help them with their marketing and growth strategies. I've also mentored founders through a pitching competitions that have went on to win funding and further support.

SEO Consultancy

At heart, I'm a marketer with a passion for the industry, in particular, SEO and organic marketing. Before founding Girls in Marketing (and during the early years) I spent a lot of my time providing my SEO services to local and international clients - focusing on eCommerce and early startup SaaS companies.

Guest Lecturing

Driven by a passion for education and knowledge sharing, I have spent the past 5 years guest lecturing at universities.

My focus is on providing students with real-world insights and practical skills to thrive in their careers. As a guest lecturer, I deliver engaging and interactive sessions, drawing from my extensive industry experience. I work with academic institutions globally, inspiring the next generation of professionals and fostering a love for lifelong learning.